19 November1962

(Senate Minute pages: 132-134)

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m., Monday May 19, 1962, in the Faculty Clubroom, President Van Pelt presiding.

The roll was taken. Present were: Group I - Van Pelt, Kerekes, Townsend, Howard, Garland, Volin, Wagner, Yerg, Noble. Group II - Bahrman, Boyd, DelliQuadri, Hellman, Hooker, Niemi, Otis, Price, Romig, Tidwell, Berry, Sawezak. Group III - Been, Harrington, Longacre, Wiedenhoefer, Smith, R.L., Smith, T.N., Snelgrove, Williams, Work, Young, Spain, Hesterberg. Group IV - Bayer, Bredekamp, Neilson, Rakestraw, Peach, Hall. Absentees were: Group I - Crawford, Sermon, Bourdo, Seale, Krenitsky, Myers. Group II - Kemp. Group II - Bovard, Clark, Fryxell. Group IV - Johnson, V.W., Oswald, Robert, Schnelle, LaJeunesse, Anderson H.B., Brown, R., Wyble.

The minutes of meeting No.13 were approved.


Old Business

Proposal 3-59, Policy on Academic Freedom, was given final approval by written ballot, all voting yes in favor of its adoption.

President's Report: President Van Pelt stated that no significant changes had occurred since his last report of May 17, 1962 at Senate meeting #13 at which time he referred proposals 2-59, 1-60, 2-60, 6-60 to the Academic Standards Committee for coordination since overlapping areas are involved.

New Business

Senate membership and adjustments therein was discussed by the Secretary who pointed out that Group I of the Senate, consisting of the personnel of the Administrative Council, the Heads of research divisions, the Heads of ROTC, the Librarian and the Registrar of the Soo Branch number 16 members. Group II of the Senate consisting of faculty members with tenure other than those of Group I or II, elected by the General Faculty consists of 13 members. Since the constitution requires equality in membership of these two groups, three additional members should be elected by the General Faculty to Group II.

Dr. Snelgrove moved, Prof. Price seconded, the election of three new members to Group II. Dr. Bredekamp amended the motion to provide staggered membership for the three new members such that one shall be elected for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. Prof. Niemi seconded this amendment. Both of these motions were approved.

Since there are new memberships, the election committee must be appointed and the election held.

Committee memberships were reported, and a list thereof provided for the Committee on Committees by Dean Kerekes who moved acceptance of the report. Prof. Hooker seconded the motion and the Senate voted acceptance. A copy of the report is attached.

Dr. Peach questioned and Dr. Yerg supported the question, "Should all Committee Chairmen be Department Heads?" Dean Kerekes pointed out that considerable stenographic aid is required by Committee Chairmen which might not be available to faculty members who are not Department Heads.

Election of a member of Group IV of the Senate to membership on the Committee on Committees was carried out by the members of Group IV during a short recess of the Senate. Dr. R.T. Brown was elected to August 31, 1963 replacing Dr. D. Baker.

Committee Reports

  1. Academic Standards Committee
    Anticipating that he must be absent, Prof. Sermon had prepared a report of which copies were distributed to the Senate. Dr. Van Pelt, in discussing the report, pointed out that since it was a status or progress report only, no Senate action was required now. A copy of this report is attached.

    Dr. Williams questioned the immediate application of these and other Senate proposals asking when they became effective and how the faculty was informed as to their existence and incorporation as college policy. Dr. Van Pelt stated that after final approval by the Senate, the Administration and the Board of Control, their application could be immediate with information of the fact going out in the Senate minutes and possible inclusion in the College catalog or supplements thereof.

  2. Ad Hoc Committee for Senate Evaluation
    Reporting as Chairman of the committee, Prof. W. Been distributed copies of the report to the Senate and then read the report to the Senate. A copy of this report is attached.

    It was moved by Prof. Hooker, seconded by Prof. Price, that the recommendations of the ad hoc committee be accepted.

    Prof. Volin pointed out that item 10 seemed to exclude research department members. Prof. Been replied that Item 9 includes research department members. Dr. Van Pelt pointed out that the College is devoted to teaching and research so research people should be included.

    Prof. Been stated that any constitution must contain provisions for changes to be made. Dr. Van Pelt stated that apparently an entirely new constitution for the Senate was intended by this report and that he would have to give the matter very close scrutiny. Prof. DelliQuadri requested that the provisions for the amendment to the present constitution be read. This was done by the Secretary. Dr. Van Pelt stated that the committee appointed to prepare the present constitution had required two full years of concentrated effort to do so.

    The motion to accept the recommendations of the ad hoc committee was carried by voice vote.

Adjourned occurred at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
G.W. Boyd, Secretary